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The DISCSEEL® Procedure

The Non-Surgical Procedure Treating Lumbar and Cervical Spine Pain

The majority of back pain is a biological problem. So the solution is to identify the cause of the biological problem and treat it with Fibrin, to cause its healing with normal disc tissue.

A Novel Approach to Spine Treatment

Disruptive Technology

Spine leaders, including Neurosurgeons, Orthopedic Surgeons, Neurologists, and Pain Specialists, call the DISCSEEL® Procedure a “Disruptive Technology”. Disruptive because it is changing spine treatment. This explains why the US Department of Defense and Veteran’s Affairs recently adopted the procedure to replace spine surgeries and injections of the past.

The DISCSEEL Procedure is the only outpatient, minimally invasive procedure that regrows and heals spinal discs permanently to treat low back pain, sciatica, and neck pain, as well as radiculopathy. This procedure utilizes FDA-approved Fibrin, a natural biologic that seals and heals discs naturally (the same way Fibrin heals and seals skin). 

It’s important to seal and heal discs because all spine disc pain and symptoms are caused by leaky discs, referred to as Leaky Disc Syndrome™ (LDS). LDS is characterized by pain, numbness, and weakness, which varies and is caused by leaks and tears of herniated, bulged, and degenerated discs. It’s a disproved fallacy that “pinched nerves” alone cause symptoms. Instead, underlying inflammation directly caused by leaking discs causes all symptoms. Healing cannot be achieved by stem cells or PRP because they leak. Likewise, no surgery can correct leaking discs.

1. National Institutes of Health, “Associations Between Chronic Severe Back Pain and Disability”. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/research/research-results/us-national-survey-identifies-associations-between-chronic-severe-back-pain-and-disability. Retrieved 08/11/24.

Watch a brief video of the DISCSEEL Procedure. 


What is the DISCSEEL® Procedure?

The purpose of the Disceel Procedure is twofold: First, it identifies all disc annular tears in the region of symptoms, and secondly, it introduces fibrin into those annular tears or defects for the purpose of stimulating disc tissue growth.

The DISCSEEL Procedure is a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment for back pain that harnesses your body’s inherent healing ability. By leveraging Fibrin, this innovative procedure effectively seals tears in damaged spinal discs and stimulates the body’s natural regenerative processes. This precise, image-guided injection facilitates the repair and recovery of your spinal discs, which typically struggle to heal on their own.

This revolutionary procedure is yielding positive results for many patients around the world. It has changed the lives of more than 12,500 chronic back pain sufferers in multiple countries to date. In a recent study, >82 percent of patients who failed all other treatments, reported experiencing sustained relief beyond 3 years following the DISCSEEL Procedure.*

The DISCSEEL Procedure treats the following conditions:

  • Annular Tears
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Herniated Discs
  • Bulging Disc
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Sciatica
  • Chronic Lower Back Pain
  • Abrupt Injury

The DISCSEEL Procedure is an excellent choice for athletes or anyone with an active lifestyle who would like to restore their mobility. Unlike surgery, the DISCSEEL Procedure can be done in a single outpatient visit. Most patients are discharged 30 minutes following treatment and are able to return to their normal daily activities within days.

MRI, a commonly used imaging technique, is not precise enough to identify annular tears or Leaky Disc Syndrome™.

The DISCSEEL Procedure:
Step One – The Annulargram™

The DISCSEEL Procedure takes the body’s natural healing process and applies them to the spine using precise imaging known as the Annulargram, a test invented by Dr. Kevin Pauza.

Here are the facts:

The Diagnostic Test

The Annulargram is a pain-free test and a crucial part of the DISCSEEL Procedure that identifies even the most subtle tears in spinal discs that MRI and discography cannot. During the Annulargram, every disc in the region is tested to address current and future pain issues by finding even the most subtle annular tears. With the Annulargram, damaged spinal discs are pinpointed and precisely treated with Fibrin, leaving all healthy discs as they are.

The DISCSEEL® Procedure addresses current and future pain issues by testing all spinal discs in the affected region during the Annulargram.  

An Annulargram™ is the best test to evaluate if normal or abnormal-looking discs are torn and leaking.

The DISCSEEL Procedure:
Step Two – Fibrin

Fibrin is a natural biologic formed from fibrinogen during the blood clotting process. The body uses it as part of its natural process for healing cuts and tears in skin and other tissues.

Fibrinogen, a protein present in blood plasma, works with the enzyme thrombin to create fibrin. Fibrin then works by forming a fibrous mesh that impedes blood flow and encourages new tissue to grow, successfully healing cuts and tears.

When applied to torn and damaged spinal discs, fibrin immediately seals tears, stops leaking, and promotes the growth of new healthy tissue in the disc, which cannot heal without assistance.

What is Fibrin:

The Role of Fibrin in the DISCSEEL Procedure:

Join the thousands of DISCSEEL® Procedure recipients who have said goodbye to chronic neck and back pain and hello to pain-free, rewarding lives.




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The DISCSEEL Procedure delivers effective treatment to solve neck and back pain.

The DISCSEEL Procedure is evidence based and backed by scientific studies.

Why it’s Better: Fibrin

What This Means for You

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