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How Long Until My Herniated Disc Heals Naturally Without Surgery?

Herniated Disc Heals Naturally Without Surgery

Herniated spines are more likely in the neck and lower back. Most heal within six to eight week. A herniated or damaged disc is when the disc’s outer cover is exposed to the elements. This allows the inner material of the disc to poke out (or herniate) irritating nerves and surrounding soft tissue. In addition, herniated discs can cause pain to radiate into surrounding soft tissue. There is a possibility that a herniated or bulging lumbar disc could cause lower back discomfort. However, people with this condition can follow these tips to minimize the time it takes to heal.

How long does it take for a herniated disc to heal without surgery?

The time it takes to heal a herniated spine can vary from six to eight weeks. This condition can often be treated without surgery. To speed up the healing of a herniated spine, there are several things you can do:

  • Don’t return to your regular activities too soon — In many cases herniated discs are caused from lifting heavy objects with poor form. They can also be caused by aggressive exercise. Reduced recovery time could also mean a halt to such activities.

Your physical therapist may be able to help you decide which activities you can continue while you are healing. They can help you plan when you can go back to your regular activities.

  1. Your weight management — Because a herniated disc can impact your activity level, it can also have an effect on your weight. A higher weight can cause more pressure to your healing disc. This can prolong your healing time. This can reduce the time it takes to heal.
  2. Regularly attending physical therapy — Not everyone knows how beneficial physical therapy is for a herniated spine. You might be able to get the following benefits from physical therapy:
  • The reduction of pain
  • Mobilization improvement.
  • Increasing function
  • Slower recovery.
  • Preventing future injuries.

Other Steps You Can Take to Heal Your Herniated Disc – Without Surgery

If you have a herniated Lumbar disc, the goal is to reduce recovery times. This goal can be achieved by following these steps:

  • Bed rest shouldn’t be prolonged — In the past, herniated disc treatments required bed rest for weeks. Most medical professionals recommend that you only stay still for one or two days. They suggest that you keep active for at least a day and then rest only when it is necessary.
  • Short stretches of activity are a good idea — But, too much activity is not a good idea after you have a herniated Lumbar disc. Doing short bursts of activity should be followed by a rest. This will keep you from increasing your pain and help to keep your muscles toned.
  • Don’t lift any heavy objects. This can often lead to a herniated, or bulging, lumbar disc. It’s a good idea that you avoid lifting large objects until your doctor clears you. Don’t lift heavy objects until a medical professional clears you. This could make your injury more severe and prolong your recovery.

What are the benefits of physical therapy?

Your physical therapist may be able to reduce the time required for your herniated spine to heal. They can also provide other benefits. You can do this because of the therapy they provide. To treat your herniated disc, physical therapists might use these therapy techniques:

  • Manual therapy
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)
  • Cupping
  • Trigger point Release
  • Training in spinal stabilization
  • Patients are up and moving within 24 hours of the discseel procedure

  • Minimally invasive procedure without surgery

  • Over 12,500 procedures with an >82% success rate

  • Procedure normally takes less than one hour

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