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Hip Pain and Herniated Disc Pain: Are They the Same?

Hip Pain and Herniated Disc Pain: Are They the Same?

Are my Hip Pain and Back Pain related?

Both hip pain and back problems can cause lower back pain, groin discomfort, pain in the buttocks and even knee pain. These people are known as the “hip-spine Syndrome”. Because pain can come from different locations, it is sometimes harder to pinpoint the source. Your doctor can help diagnose the root cause of both your back and hip pain. Advanced imaging techniques may be used by doctors to aid in diagnosis after a thorough examination and review of your medical history. A diagnosis may reveal that hip and back pain might be linked. It could be a problem in your spine, hips, or both.

There is a difference between pain from the hip joint and herniated discs

The lower back anatomy will show that the lumbar spine connects directly to the hip via specialized joints. You may feel pain in your hips or abnormalities in function or movement if you have damage to or injury to any of the structures within the lumbar spinal column. Other than traumatic injuries, pain in the hips or lower back may also be caused naturally by degeneration of joints and spinal structures. There are many signs of degenerative changes in the spine, including disc herniation.

Herniated disc and pinched nerves can lead to back and hip pain

As the discs between spinal vertebrae get older, the outer layer can become damaged and allow the material to “leak into” the spinal canal. This condition is known as a herniated or bulging disc. A herniated spine can lead to pain when disc material places pressure on nerves. This is because the nerves in the spinal cord control communication between the brain, the brain, and other areas. Therefore, pain can also be felt elsewhere.

Between the pelvis ribs, is located the lumbar area of the spine. This region is home to five major nerves that run from the spine. They are responsible for communicating with the brain with the lower legs, ankles and feet. They also help control the abdominal muscles. The pressure on any nerves can cause pain in the legs if it is compressed.

The usual suspect is the hip

Surprisingly hip problems often cause groin discomfort on the affected side. This is because the actual hip joint is very close to the spine. Russell DeMicco (DO), back pain specialist says, “Groin pain can be a hip issue if it is not proven otherwise.” “Pain above and below the belt line is not an issue with the hips.”

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of hip pain. Hip arthritis can occur if you:

  1. You feel pain in your groin.
  2. The discomfort of being uncomfortable is temporary and will become more frequent with age.
  3. Standing, walking, or any activity can worsen pain. Rest is the best treatment.
  4. You feel stiff.
  5. A limp can be seen when you walk.

Avascular necrosis or AVN is a serious condition that results in the death of the hip bones at the joint. The pain is more severe and constant than with osteoarthritis. Dr. Murray says that people often come to him complaining about their hip pain.

The most likely culprit is the spine

Herniated disks can cause most problems in the lower spine. They press on the nerves in your spinal column. This causes sciatica, a type of pain that can feel in the hip. A herniated disk could cause pain.

  1. This is your hip, back, buttocks or hip.
  2. Shoot down your leg.
  3. These problems are worse when you sit or bend.
  4. Standing or walking improves.

See your doctor if you experience night sweats, have a history of cancer or are experiencing pain that does not go away when you lie down (“night pain”) — it could be a more serious problem. Dr. DeMicco describes a “double wommy” as problems in the hip and lower back. It’s not surprising that both osteoarthritis as well as spinal changes are more common in the last decade, he says.

Signs Your Pain Is Caused By A Herniated Disc

Your lower back is composed of several bones that are stacked on top of each other, and protected by spinal disks. The intervertebral Disc is made up of an outer cartilage, called Annulus Fibrosus, and an inner nucleus, called Nucleus Pulsosus. This cushioning and absorption mechanism cushions pressure and shock from the spinal cord and prevents any damage.

The disc material becomes less elastic as we age and can herniate or bulge into our spinal canal. A bulging or herniated disc can often cause irritation or compress the nerves in your spinal column. It can lead to herniated disc symptoms such as pain.

  • The sensation is sharp and burning, radiating from the buttocks down to the feet.
  • Affected spinal nerves can cause weakness and numbness in the affected muscles.
  • A pain that limits your mobility or flexibility
  • Standing, walking, and sitting can all make pain worse

How Does Hip Joint Pain Feel

Although the hips are near the lower back structures it isn’t necessarily a part. Instead, they’re made from their individual components. The hip joint’s important components include the femur, pelvic bones muscles, articular cartilage and ligaments. Hip pain can manifest as discomfort in the hips, particularly in the groin. It can also spread down to the legs and front of the thighs. Referred knee pain is another possible cause. This can get worse when you move. You may also feel stiff and have trouble walking due to hip pain.

Common causes of hip pain

The primary cause of pain in the hip joint may be a herniated disc in the lumbar. Other conditions that can cause pain in the hips may also be a factor. These include:

1) Osteoarthritis

This is a form of arthritis in which the cartilages of the joints naturally begin to deteriorate. It is common to affect the hips or knees. This can cause symptoms like joint stiffness, pain in the hips, joint stiffness, and reduced range motion.

2) Hip dysplasia

A hip abnormality is when one of two sockets in the pelvis doesn’t fit properly and attach to the thigh bone. This can cause joint instability that can result in frequent hip and groin pains and even limping.

3) Sacroiliac joint dysfunction

The sacroiliac or SI joint is responsible for connecting your lower spine to the pelvis. It is possible to experience pain in your hips, legs, or lower back if the SI joint becomes misaligned.

  • Patients are up and moving within 24 hours of the discseel procedure

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  • Over 12,500 procedures with an >82% success rate

  • Procedure normally takes less than one hour

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